Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Emotions... A topic from "Tuesdays with Morrie"

Why do human beings tend to cling to things.. especially emotions? Why can't we let it go? Why cant we let things be the way they are and just think about changing ourselves rather changing the world? It is generally said.. Change yourself and you would change your world.

Buddhist say.. "Don't cling to things as everything is impermanent".

However, it is very important to mention that we also need to let us feel the emotion fully. It is only after that that we are able to detach ourselves from those emotions. We need to dive into the pool of emotions and then say" OK.. I felt this emotion.. Now I know how it feels. It is time to let it go now." and then just let it leave you. There are a lot of other things that need to be dealt and experienced in life.

1 comment:

  1. interesting piece... i believe we cling to emotions when tehre are certain memories attached to those emotions.. and we are afraid of letting go of them coz of the void that those forgotten memories will leave..
