Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tell the chatter to stop...

Wow.. What a great feeling it is and I hope it stays for eternity... Was drinking water on the other hedge of the staff area... The office's condition is so that that instead of proper tiles or some interior replacements, there are newspaper sticked in there.. Anyhow, while drinking water, came across an article of Srikumar Rao.. An old guy sitting with a smile on his face and looks intelligent.. It was some newspaper that was ere 2012... People were talking about the Mayan's predication of the year ending in 2012.. Economists flaunting their beautiful brains and this gentleman Srikumar Rao sitting .. smiling.. in this turbulent world.. While drinking the water I thought to read what the article was all about.. What caught my sight was the words that were written in the end of it "Peace to you and your. "... I love peace.. err.. piece of my pie that takes away all my peace.. Anyhow.. this uncle was talking about the chatting that goes on inside of one's mind...that's the one factor that decides on how happy or sad you can become... instead of shouting at ur kid.. breathe !!! instead of beating yourself up for having that pizze that you promised yourself not to have... try to restrain before having it.. Just NOTE what you are doing.. don't beat urself up and be an advocate against your own self.. but just note what you are doing and try not to do before doing that thing.. Very inspiring.NOTING ONESELF... It makes me remember of a quote that I read "Real peace of mind is the companion of the silence of the mind"...

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